Posted in Fiction, Flash Fiction

The Diamond


The exotic-looking man stood at the jewelry counter waiting on the diamond expert. The expert was appraising the frightfully large diamond. He had just sent word that it was over six carats. It was multi-faceted and seemed faintly pink. What the expert didn’t know is that it was millenia-old and priceless.

The exotic-looking man was getting restless. He had been there, in public, for a long time. He needed to get back to his friends and his home. He needed to sell this diamond for the children in the Old Country.

The expert appeared and gave him price at which they could try to sell the diamond to their high rollers in the gem world. He offered to showcase it for the man and he placed it in the window of the shop. Rays of the sun hit it and it glowed. The man shrank back into the corner.

THe transaction was complete. The exotic-looking man walked out the door and vanished into thin air. #FfFAW #amwriting #amblogging #writing #flashfiction

*Photo courtesy of Jade Wong

*FfFAW courtesy of Priceless Joy

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Freelance writer, blogger, aspiring novelist. Former career as a college prof in finance. Encore career as freelance writer for a number of financial websites.

6 thoughts on “The Diamond

  1. Ooouuu, very mysterious! He had to sell the priceless diamond to save the children in the old country! Then, he disappeared into thin air! Great story, Rosemary!


  2. This sounds like a good scene from a longer piece. I’d love to know the background story and why the children in the Old Country needed the diamond. It evidently has magical powers… And the exotic-looking man is interesting, too. An intriguing story, Rosemary.


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