Posted in Flash Fiction



She had escaped him. She found a room in this hotel over 100 miles away. Why was her judgement always so poor? Why did she always end up with the wrong man? She was still shaking as she put a few things away and went to shower. Those were questions she had tried to answer for years.

After showering, she realized she hadn’t eaten much in two days. He had yelled. Then pouted. Then yelled again until she was able to sneak out. She dressed and went down to the restaurant.

She was eating. Suddenly, a voice behind her said, “Surprise!”


Photo credit to Dale Rogerson



Freelance writer, blogger, aspiring novelist. Former career as a college prof in finance. Encore career as freelance writer for a number of financial websites.

15 thoughts on “Psycho

  1. ACCHHHH! she screamed. My first reaction at the last line. Good one, there. That would be a frightening experience after you’d worked so hard to escape. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like how you leave us wondering just who the “surpriser” is… it could be him, like it could be another…


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