Posted in Non-fiction, Uncategorized, weekendcoffeeshare

#weekendcoffeeshare – 9/29/2018


Good morning everyone! Thanks for coming to my #weekendcoffeeshare. Please grab a cup of coffee or tea, your choice, and join me. I have some news for you today! I’m looking forward to sharing it with you and getting some of your comments.

If we were having coffee, I would want to know how each of you are doing? How is your writing going? Is the muse with you? That muse is sometimes hard to capture, isn’t she? I hope she is by your side and that you are doing well. When that happens, it is so gratifying.

I’ve not been blogging as much as usual. I’ve had a lot going on personally and I’ve been doing some dog training. My corgi, Tucker, is now seven months old and he’s been a difficult pup. Some days, I think he’s getting more difficult rather than less! But, seven months is a tough time for corgi pups, so I will be patient.

Now for my news. I’m going to be taking a bit of a break from this blog. I’ll be back off and on and will try to at least write this #weekendcoffeeshare on a regular or semi-regular basis. But, I’m going to dive headlong into a novel and I find, as I get older, that I don’t multitask as well as I used to. I just turned down a lucrative consulting contract because I very much want to write this novel. Writing the novel and taking care of the rest of my life is just about all I can handle at this point in my life. I may post some chapters off and on for you to read, but I won’t be blogging any flash fiction for a few months.

My novel, just to whet you appetite :), is historical fiction set in World War II. I’m lucky enough to have primary research at my disposal. It is romantic fiction and I honestly don’t know if it will turn out to be novel length or a novella. Publishing is changing with short fiction becoming ever so much more popular and serialized fiction even more popular. I’m not going to serialize this novel, but I may serialize my next book. Our audience is different than it used to be with shorter attention spans and busy lives. Instead of buying books, they tend to read on mobile devices.

I’d love to hear your comments as you are my writing buddies! This won’t be a complete sabbatical from this blog and I’ll hope to see you here on my #weekendcoffeeshare, but I will mostly be banging the keyboard on the novel. Please keep in touch. I would love to hear from you at any time at my email address which is You can also reach me through my Facebook Author Page.

I wish all of you the best in your writing projects and life.




Thanks to eclecticali for hosting #weekendcoffeeshare!

9 thoughts on “#weekendcoffeeshare – 9/29/2018

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. I’ll post updates from time to time. But it’s time for me to buckle down and get to work!


  1. Best of luck with your novel!!! I’m currently reading a World War II story; Unbroken. The same that is in the theaters. It’s pretty good.


  2. Hi Rosemary. I’m excited for your new idea. I love historical fiction and would love to hear about your progress. Because I miss very chances to tell folks my favorite HF novels are: Passport by Bruce Hershensohn & Gone with the Wind (the novel, not the movie) by Margret Mitchell. Both of these took over my life while reading them. How many books leave you feeling thankful that you came across them? Both of these did for me. Count me with the crowd cheering you on from the sidelines.


  3. Good luck on your new writing project. I’ll be looking out for regular updates as you progress toward those two little words, The End.


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