
Cee’s Photography Blog has a cool challenge that I’ve decided to participate in for a bit. The title is self-explanatory. Cee asks four questions each week:

1. What do I value most in a friend?

That’s an easy answer. Trust. Complete trust. Not just the kind of trust where the other person keeps your confidence, but the kind of trust where the other person can be counted on to be there for you and to genuinely care about your welfare. Some say that you won’t more than one handful of this type of friend in your lifetime. I believe this is true. I would love to get comments in the section below about what YOU value most in a friend. I’ve been lucky. I have friends like this.


2. Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake or the cupcake first? Do you prefer a specific flavor?

I can’t really answer this question because I don’t eat sweets! I know, I’m weird.




3. Have you ever been in a submarine? If you haven’t, would you want to?

No, I have never been in a submarine. I love the water….the ocean. I love to swim in it, wade in it, get slammed by the waves in it, snorkel in it, cruise on a ship in it, but a submarine. It gives me claustrophobia just to think of it!


4. If 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think you’d find leading a more satisfying life than yours?

If you look at it from simply a statistical point of review, you can assume that 50% have had a more satisfying life and 50% have had a less satisfying life.



Share Your World – 2016 Week 49


 Cee’s Photography Blog has a cool challenge that I’ve decided to participate in for a bit. The title is self-explanatory. Let’s see if I can do this! Cee asks four questions and a bonus question.

1. Do you like to eat foods with nuts or no nuts in them?

Probably no nuts, though I like nuts by themselves especially Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios. All of these provide minerals to our bodies that are important.


2.  If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

I would say it would be a drama with some romance thrown in. You know who you are! There hasn’t been a lot of comedy, but there may have been some science fiction, at least it’s felt like that, particularly recently!

As a child and young adult, I’ll go with a lot of dysfunctional drama. As an adult, I’ve had a pretty normal life with occasional bouts of drama and romance. Recently, throw in high drama and perhaps a bit of science fiction, along with romance!

3. Who talks real sense to me?

I actually have a lot of people who talk real sense to me. Sometimes, I feel like a child! Friends and family. They all mean well. Often, I ASK them to talk real sense to me!

4. What is my favorite board game?

I don’t have one unless you count cribbage which has a board of sorts. My Dad taught me to play and few people around me know how. It’s a Northerner’s game.


Optional Bonus Question:

What am I grateful for this past week: This is an easy one. The good medical care in the U.S.

What am I looking forward in the next week? Another easy one. Starting to work on a new consulting project!


Have a nice week, everyone!

Share Your World – 2016 Week 48