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Blogging my Novel


When I decided it was time to write my novel, I, at first, to sign off my blog. As I thought about it, I decided that was no fun! Instead, I made another decision. I’m going to blog my novel as I go along if you, my subscribers, would like to participate! I’ll talk about how to write a novel – different techniques that various writers use, developing the characters, developing the plot, building the world of the novel. I’ll post every few days.

My novel is historical fiction. A romance set in World War II. It will involve a lot of research, but I have a lot of material already. The characters are based on people I knew, but they will be fictionalized. But, this novel is highly personal to me and I want it to sell! I will work very hard on this book and I would love your input in the comments as I go along.

In addition, NaNoWriMo is coming up in November when writers are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I’m not officially joining, but I’m going to get as much done as I can.

I hope to get started within a week!

Subscribers and blogging friends, what do you say? Post in the comment section!