Posted in Challenges, nonfiction, Writing

#SundayPoser #175

Blogging has been an important part of my life since 2016. I’ve been blogging off and on, for eight years. I’ve actually had a career in writing in the fields of finance and business since 1998, but at that time, I was also a college professor of finance. Finance and business are a far cry from creative writing! I juggled the two careers, teaching and writing, until 2008 when I retired from teaching. I became a full-time writer, but I only wrote non-fiction in my field of finance.

For a while, I freelanced for a number of companies and websites. After 2008, I landed several contract jobs and writing actually started to be an encore career for me. I was still freelancing as a finance and business writer. I also wrote a bit on education.

Since I was a child, I had dreamed of writing fiction and engaging in creative writing. I had no training or experience, but I did have a wonderful mentor who helped and encouraged me. When I finally discovered blogging, I thought I could hone my limited creative writing skills by blogging. That was eight years ago.

I’ve had to take some breaks from blogging over the years when I was working a particularly hard contract job that required long hours. I’ve always come back to my WordPress blog and this wonderful group of bloggers.

Blogging and reading other people’s blogs never bores me. We have some wonderful professional writers here in our community whose work I thoroughly enjoy, along with other writers who write more for fun. Some have made a successful career from their blogging. I have a wide variety of interests so reading and writing on varied topics is suitable for me.

Blogging has also given me an emotional outlet. I’m an introvert, so talking to people is occasionally difficult. I can say everything I want to say through writing and blogging.

Thanks to #SundayPoser!


Freelance writer, blogger, aspiring novelist. Former career as a college prof in finance. Encore career as freelance writer for a number of financial websites.

5 thoughts on “#SundayPoser #175

  1. I started my blog in May 2010. I stopped for a few years because WP was losing its sense of community. People wanted to make a quick buck from their blog with advertising. 2024 will see a sharp rise in AI generated content and once again the friendship side of blogging will come under threat. I check for AI content blogs and unsubscribe immediately.
    I think of blogging as new age penfriends. 🙂

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    1. I know this is a foolish hope, but I do hope serious writers don’t engage in AI-driven content. I’m not a fan of AI under any circumstances. My fear is that, with the expansive use of AI, we won’t know what is real and what is not.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly. Maybe the bloggers who don’t use AI should identify as such with a hashtag. #NoAIContent or #AIFreeBlog. On our books we make a point of informing the reader: NO AI CONTENT, GUARANTEED. This is all original work by D. L. Keur and Carole Hill.

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  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts R. You’ve had a great journey and blogging for the joy of writing is a great way to hone your writing skills. Thanks for sharing

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