Posted in Challenges, Uncategorized

#SundayPoser 176

So many things bring joy to my day.

Having time to play the piano.

Reading and studying whatever topic is of interest to me at the time.

Interacting with my two dogs.

Spending a little quality time with my husband.

Looking out the windows of my house at the countryside. We live in the country.

Spending a couple of hours writing on my work in progress.

Blogging and interacting with blogging friends.

Seeing or talking to any member of my rapidly dwindling family.

Talking to or spending time with close friends.

Listening to music. My tastes in music are wide-ranging.

Learning to play keyboards. I have been a pianist most of my life, but have never played electronic keyboards. But, Iā€™m learning!

What brings me the most joy is just the sameness of the days. It makes me comfortable and secure in my world although I also like periods of adventure.



Freelance writer, blogger, aspiring novelist. Former career as a college prof in finance. Encore career as freelance writer for a number of financial websites.

3 thoughts on “#SundayPoser 176

  1. I agree with so much of this!ā€‚I love finding joy in the mundane/ routine aspects of life. Books definitely bring me joy, as does blogging and “talking” with all my blogging friends.


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