Posted in #unicornchallenge, Challenges, Flash Fiction

Bad Dog Bark

Photo Prompt Ayr/Gray

I awakened with a start. What had I heard? Oh, it was only Sophie, my German Shepherd dog who sleeps beside my bed. Wait! Sophie! Why was she whining? I leaped out of bed realizing my clock said 6:45 a.m. I usually took her for a walk on the beach by 5 a.m.

We walked outside. She pushed open the garden gate and started for the beach. I followed trying to stop her. Since one of her strides is equal to three of mine, there was no hope of catching her.

I jumped in my car. What else could I do? My dog was taking herself for a walk to the beach.

I pulled up in a parking space watching Sophie run gleefully around on the beach. As soon as I stepped on the beach calling her, a police car pulled up beside me. Sophie immediately ran to me, fearing I was in danger.

Ma’am, get your dog off the beach.”

Sophie barked at the officer. Her bad dog bark.

“Get off the beach with that dog,” he said in a loud, aggressive voice.

“Officer, if you would just give me a………”

What happened next wasn’t very pleasant. Sophie and I ended up looking through the bars of the backseat of a police car.

I was unhappy. The officer was unhappy. But Sophie? She had gotten to defend me from the bad police officer. Now if she can only figure out how to charm us out of jail.


Sophie and her squeaky toy