Posted in Flash Fiction

The Windfall


“It’s impossible to get a good price for cattle nowdays, Desiree,” Clint said as he passed through the kitchen.

“What’s wrong, honey?” she replied.

“I’ve taken all the cattle to Ed Davenport to be evaluated and priced except that one calf that’s too young. The price of cattle is pretty low. I’m just afraid we won’t get the price we need to change our business model.”

Clint and Desiree had inherited Clint’s father’s ranch and were looking to start a large organic farming operation in place of raising cattle. They had environmental concerns. One was the bee population in their area of the U.S.

The phone rang. It was Ed. The price he gave Clint for the cattle would more than give them the startup capital for their dream. They danced around the kitchen, celebrating.