Posted in #FridayFictioneers, Challenges, Flash Fiction

The Pie and the Festival – #FridayFictioneers – May 24, 2024

Photo Prompt @ Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Mollie scurried around her kitchen, cooking for the festival in her town. Food from the southern US is often prepared differently than food from anywhere else.

Mollie couldn’t decide between entering her stack cake or a cushaw pie in the competition. Her neighbor was going to enter cushaw pie, but Mollie’s pie was her specialty dish.

The day of the competition came and Mollie’s pie won the blue ribbon. Her neighbor was angry and threw Mollie’s pie to the ground screaming.

Mollie learned that real friendship is hard to find and should be cherished and nurtured.


Note: Cushaw pie is not common outside the southern U.S. A cushaw is a gourd and the filling is used to make pie. Many think it is tastier than pumpkin pie.


Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the #FridayFictioneers challenge.