Posted in #FridayFictioneers, Challenges, Flash Fiction

The Violinist – #FridayFictioneers – May 17, 2024

The old lady trudged up the street to the church she had attended for more than 60 years. The light from the steeple caused the white church to glow. She climbed the stairs up to the steeple.

The violin was lying on the table. She opened a window for some cool air. 

The old woman started to play. She played Horner’s “My Heart Will Go On.” A crowd gathered on the street. They waited for her to come out to praise and thank her.

The steeple went dark. She didn’t appear. They looked for her, but she had vanished.

Thank you to Rochelle for hosting #FridayFictioneers!

Posted in #unicornchallenge, Challenges

The Love Canal – #TheUnicornChallenge – May 3, 2024.

Photo prompt by Ayr/Gray

Lily always took her morning walks along the banks of the canal. She loved to watch the graceful and elegant swans as they glided across the water glistening in the morning light.

Lily was nostalgic about her own life. She loved the old, dilapidated boat docked there and she could see its potential. The boatman who owned it seemed content to leave it as it was.

One morning, Lily was standing near the old boat on the canal dreaming of taking it to far away places. A big, white dog bounded up to her full of joy and love. She wondered where he belonged and when she looked up, she saw a man approaching, calling the dog. He was an older man and handsome in a distinguished sort of way.

She and John fell into a conversation about their mutual love for the canal. Over the next few hours, John regaled her with stories of the history of the canal and they set out to explore it together. Over the next few weeks, John filled her heart.

One morning, John told Lily that he had bought the old boat from the boatman. He then declared  his love for her, and she fell into his arms.

A few months later, they started off on a magical journey in the old boat. As they left, the swans danced in joy.

One year later, Lily thought back to that day. She was glad they hadn’t known what would happen during the coming year.

Thank you to CE Ayr and Jenne Gray for hosting #TheUnicornChallenge!