Posted in #FridayFictioneers, Challenges

Destruction – #FridayFictioneers April 5, 2024

Photo Prompt @ Sandra Crook

She never tired of this view. Every night, she came to the lovely, long pier on the bay to watch the sunset. The sky turned to watercolors. 

The sun was down now, but she stayed on the pier for the companionship of the locals and to watch the nighttime water birds. 

It was her last night on the island. She thought she would be back next winter. In the coming summer, the hurricane made a direct hit on the island. It caused destruction to both the island and to her. She knew she would never see the magical island again.

*I cheated a little this week. This is a true story slightly fictionalized.

Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff for hosting #FridayFictioneers!